Monday, April 2, 2007

Sunday, April 1st

Another LONG day!

Church in the morning, race home for lunch and then back to the Worship Practice Room at 2pm for day # 2 of recording. Matt got right to it and nailed "Alive" in 2 takes, followed by "Worthy of the Call" in 1. After "Glorified" and one other song (it's kind of a blur in my memory) the drums are done!

Matt leaves, after a ridiculously fantastic 9 hours of session drumming - mission completed. Or so we thought... One of the first songs we recorded "So In Love With You" has a few tempo issues that we missed in playback yesterday. It was early on and we were all getting used to playing with the click-track. Matt had already left, so we simply used the Inspector Gadget of our worship team, Mark, on drums to re-record the track.

After sorting all that out, we nailed the bass part for it (including a WICKED new bass line in the bridge) and "Marvelous" (with a great new verse bass line). Coop recorded the bass direct and with a Shure Beta 52 about 3 feet away while surrounding the bass amp with baffling panels. The blended sound of the 2 feeds is SWEET!

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