Friday, April 20, 2007

Thursday, April 19th

We had yesterday off from the project and had an incredible night at the Student Ministry. It's neat to be involved with students and realize that a lot of these kids could be playing on future Sunday morning worship teams and CCJ albums...

It was just a relatively quick 3-hour session this afternoon, which we used to complete lead vocals on 3 more songs ("Praise", "So In Love With You" and "Star Maker"). We have tomorrow off as well before marathon session on Saturday and Sunday. We're hoping that by the end of the weekend we'll have everything recorded and can focus on mixing next week.

When you're recording vocals, you realize that every little inflection and note you sing comes through with crystal clarity - sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it's a bad thing! We've pushed a couple of the lower-range, slower songs to the end because they're so tough to nail vocally. On the other end of the spectrum is a song like "Alive", which is in such a high range that it requires me to be in great vocal shape to sing it. That means I can't sing it with a tired voice, I probably have to sing it first-thing and I can probably only go at it for about 20 minutes before my voice started quitting on me.

Hopefully Friday's rest day will let me voice recover enough to check off "Alive" and a couple of other harder songs...

1 comment:

Bryonm said...

Did you get "Alive" done? I love that song.